While you may know your brand inside and out, this might not always be the case for your customer. People being aware of what your brand stands for, what the meaning of your company name or logo is, simply being “memorable” is what keeps you competitive in your market.
Creating brand awareness is one of the first steps when building an audience. This survey type, combined with your market research data, you can set up different kinds of marketing messages that can communicate your brand name and the products or
services that are tied to it.
There are 6 main metrics that you should keep in mind when you want to start measuring your brand awareness:
- Brand recall measures how well your audience remembers your brand from memory.
- Brand recognition measures how your audience recognizes your brand if they see it.
- Brand identity gauges the opinions towards your logo and branding elements.
- Brand image shows what customers associate with your brand.
- Brand trust indicates how trustworthy people find your brand. Especially important in case of a crisis.
- Brand loyalty is the final and probably most important metric for growth, it will indicate if customers will return to you when their next purchase has to be made.